Monday, February 2, 2015

Dragons of Atlantis - Is it better to upgrade garrisons or build more?

In Dragons of Atlantis it is far better to build more garrisons than to upgrade current garrisons if you are looking to lower the amount of training time.  Upgrade one garrison as needed to be able to train whatever troop you are working on but after that it is far more efficient to build a new garrisons.  As an example.  If you try to train 1000 conscripts with a single level one garrison it will take something like 7 and half hours.  Upgrading to a level 5 garrison will only reduce the time down to somewhere around 7 hour and 15 minutes.  But building a second garrison will reduce the time down to around 3 hours.  That is an incredible difference.

I recommend you make about 15 garrisons depending on your play style.  You can make up to 19 if you know what you are doing.  Dragons of Atlantis Heirs of the Dragon is all about managing your buildings to have the most efficient troop training times while still having enough population to train troops.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree with just building more garrisons. The higher level garrison means the more pop that goes idle. Example: I have 19 garrisons all level 19, training queue is backed up, no idle pop, come back a few hours later and I have 5k or more of idle pop. Houses aren't a requirement.
    Five houses tops. Lower tax rate to one. Have at least four healing pools. Level those up too, cuts healing time way down. Level up the garrisons. The higher level means more pop that goes idle.
    I plan on building at least two more garrisons and another healing pool.
    Leveling up buildings is not useless. It increases lots of things.
