Monday, February 2, 2015

Dragons of Atlantis - Is it better to upgrade garrisons or build more?

In Dragons of Atlantis it is far better to build more garrisons than to upgrade current garrisons if you are looking to lower the amount of training time.  Upgrade one garrison as needed to be able to train whatever troop you are working on but after that it is far more efficient to build a new garrisons.  As an example.  If you try to train 1000 conscripts with a single level one garrison it will take something like 7 and half hours.  Upgrading to a level 5 garrison will only reduce the time down to somewhere around 7 hour and 15 minutes.  But building a second garrison will reduce the time down to around 3 hours.  That is an incredible difference.

I recommend you make about 15 garrisons depending on your play style.  You can make up to 19 if you know what you are doing.  Dragons of Atlantis Heirs of the Dragon is all about managing your buildings to have the most efficient troop training times while still having enough population to train troops.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Dragons of Atlantis Heirs of the Dragon: How to get a guaranteed Epic general for free.

Having an epic general on a new realm is very important.  No only will it instantly raise your level to level 10 or above and give you access to the arena, but it makes winning battles in the arena far easier.  With this in mind there is a method to guarantee that you start off with a epic general.

You have three chances to roll an epic general when you start a new account.  In my testing, the odds of getting an epic general was about 1 in 30.  So these means you will need to create on average about 10 accounts.  Each account should take 3 minutes or so to create, and roll your general chances.

Start a new account.  Quickly run through the tutorial which should take about 30-45 seconds.  Change your realm to the realm you want to play.  On the new realm enter the officer's quarters.  You will be required to do a small tutorial on generals which includes hiring two generals and enhancing your rare(blue) general. This takes about 45 seconds.

Once you have done the tutorial exit the officer quarter and go to your quest log.  You will gain to level 6 or 7 and have several quest completed.  The reward for some of them is 3 recruiting tokens.  Go back to the officers quarters and hire the three generals.  If you get a epic(purple) general you will gain enough power to get to level 10 or higher and you have access to arena and an epic general.  If you don't get an epic general you go to the account settings, create an account and put in a bogus email address and password.

If you are on android you go to your app manager and clear the data.  This resets your game.  The next time you log into Dragons of Atlantis Heirs of the Dragon, you will have a fresh game.  Repeat the above procedure until you get the epic general you want.  You now have a guaranteed free epic general.

Once you get the hang of the process you should be able to get an epic general in 30 minutes or less.  It is well worth the time to do this when you start a new realm.  Having an epic general is a huge bonus at the earlier stages of Dragons of Atlantis Heirs of the Dragon.

Here is a more in depth explaination How to get free epic general.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Dragons of Atlantis Pumpkin Dragon Armor

Just before Halloween, Kabam released Pumpkin Armor for your Great Dragon in the mystery shop.  You will need to obtain 200 Pumpkin Treats to purchase the Pumpkin Armor.  You can get Pumpkin Treats from level 4 and 5 hills.  I was able to farm 200 Pumpkin Treats in a couple of hours on a new server where I was under 50k power and did not have my muster point maxed.  If you have your muster point maxed, your rapid deployment maxed and enough troops to farm constantly, you could probably get 200 Pumpkin Treats in as little as 2 hours.
You have around 95% chance of getting a treat when you have a victory over a level 4 or 5 hill.  I found you have around 60% chance of getting only 1 Pumpkin Treat and around 40% chance of getting two Pumpkin Treats.  From my limited testing you can not get more than 2, or if you can, the chance would be less than 1%.

Pumpkin Great Dragon Armor isn't the only reward you can get in Dragons of Atlantis Heirs of the Dragon.  You can get multiplier elixirs for 10 Pumpkin Treats.  You can also use one treat to get a Mauve Stones, 3 Treats to get Sun Glow Stones and 5 to get mutton.

You can get 99 elixirs, stones and mutton.  Mutton is the worst choice.  You can get a piece of mutton by attacking a level 1 Savannah and have about a 90% chance.  This means you will have to attack 3-5 level 4-5 hills to get the same thing you would get from attacking a single Savannah.  My guess is that the Elixirs and the Sun Glow stones are the best rewards after the armor.  Mauve stones are not very good except for gaining power as you don't use LBM or Minotaurs after the first month or so of playing at all.  The Sun Glow Stones will be very useful for upgrading your Swift Strike Dragons and Battle Dragons.  I would prioritize the rewards as follows.  Dragon Armor > Elixirs / Sun Glow Stones > Mauve Stones  > Mutton.

When you get the Pumpkin Armor, the description was vague.  I thought you get one piece of Pumpkin Armor.  You actually get all 4 pieces.  You can only obtain one of these sets.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Dragons of Atlantis Dragon Cave Loot

One really good way to get resources in Dragons of Atlantis Heir of the Dragon is by doing the 10 daily Dragon Cave quest.  Each day you get 10 free explorations.  The explorations are random and there are 5 levels.  The lowest is colored grey and called High Mountain, the second is green and called Dark Forest, the third is blue and called Ancient Plunder, the fourth is orange and called Legendary and the last is purple and called Lost Treasure of Atlantis.  You can get anything from resources, beef, mutton and up to 50 Battle Dragons for each time you quest.  You also get speed up which can be very important for tournaments.

You can easily get to where you can explore the dragon cave within a few hours of starting the game.  I recommend you make this one of your top priorities.  Complete as many of the starter quest as possible.  Several of them give you mutton.  Feed the mutton to your dragon and he will reach level 4 within a hour or two of starting.  This is very important because at the beginning troops are hard to come by.  If your lucky you can get Swift Strike Dragons and Battle Dragons as rewards.

Dragons of Atlantis Heirs of the Dragon city farming.

City farming is the fastest way to gain resources in Dragons of Atlantis Heirs of the Dragon, especially as a beginner.  When you first start Dragons of Atlantis, be sure to make several garrisons and a rookery at level 2, and research the required talents for making Shadow Strike Dragons(SSD).  Quickly do the requirements for Shadow Strike Dragons.  These are the best troop for city farming.  They are relatively cheap, fast to build, they move fast and have a decent load to carry.  If you build your city correctly you can make 5k SSD a day pretty easily.

Here is the fun part.  Look around your city for other cities that have 62 power.  This is a city that has nothing built.  There will be no chance of any defense.  Send your SSD's to attack.  This cities can have up to 50k of each resource and it takes about half a day for them to fill back up completely.

Once you have a good amount of resources, and you have a couple thousand SSD's you can start taking risk and attacking cities with some power.  Try to attack cities with under 500 power.  These are the most likely to have no defense.  Some people will rush to get their great dragon, put him on defense and quit the game.  This will leave low power cities that can wipe a lot of your SSD's if you attack.  If you find one of these cities, remember it or mark it so you don't keep losing troops.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Dragons of Atlantis Heirs of the Dragon where to start.

Dragons of Atlantis is an iOS game created by Kabam. Dragons of Atlantis is complicated when you first start but once you follow these tips and tricks it becomes much easier.
Dragons of Atlantis: Heirs to the Dragon is one of the most popular iOS fantasy RPG games. Dragons of Atlantis is heavily bases on resources and time. Learning to manage both efficiently is key to having a great time playing. It will also allow you to level quicker and advance to the more advanced parts of the game.

What to do when you first start

Dragons of Atlantis is very dependent on resources.  There are 5 major resources and several alternative resources.  The 5 major resources are Food, Wood, Stone, Metal and Gold.  All aspects of the game revolve around these resources.  Learning to balance the use of these resources and the methods to acquire them are key.

The first thing you need to do when you start the game is to build several homes.  On the city view click empty plots and select home.  This will build a home.  Each home takes 5 seconds to make and a few resources.  You will have enough resources at the beginning to create many building so don't worry about your resources yet.  Homes increase your population which is needed for your army and also for any resource buildings.  Create three more homes to get enough population going to create the buildings in the next step.

Switch to the resource view by clicking on the map icon in the lower left side of the game.  On an empty plot create 1 farm, 3 lumbermill, 3 mine and 3 quarry.  Food is the easiest resource to get so we only want one farm.  After you build 3 of each resource building, begin to upgrade them.  As your available population decreases you will need to create more homes or upgrade the ones that you have.  I recommend building 7 homes total.  As you build each building and upgrade you will be completing quest.  These quest give you resources so you will replenish most of it not more of the resources used to build these buildings.  You will want to shoot for upgrading all of the resource buildings to level 4 or 5.  Upgrade all of the homes to around level 5 as well.

The reason you create these first is because these building produce resources over time.  The more upgraded they are, the faster they generate resources.  If you wait till you are low on resources, it will take a longer time to get enough for upgrades.

Now switch back to the city view.  Build a garrison.  Upgrade the garrison to level 3. Begin making Conscripts.  These are the basic army units.  Make 100 Conscripts. If at any time you begin to run low on a resource, you will be prompted to use an item.  You get one or 2 free resource gifts for each type.  Use one of the gifts to replace your resources.

After you have 100 Conscripts switch to the world view.  Click the green shield button at the top of the map.  This will turn the level identifier on.  Look for level 1 wilderness patches.  Try to find a close level 1 tree resource.  You can take these over with 100 Conscript and begin to get extra resources.  If at any time one of your resources is getting low, use your army to attack a level 1 wilderness of the resource type you need.  Continue to upgrade your garrison.  Build a Science Hall and begin researching.  Upgrade the Science Hall whenever possible.  This will allow you to train more powerful troops.

Other tips and tricks

In Dragons of Atlantis food is by far the easiest resource to acquire.  Do not make multiple farms.  Once you are strong enough to take over Anthropus camps you will never need food again.  A level 1 Anthropus camp will give over 20,000 food per attack.  Anthropus camps also give a lot of wood and a small amount of the other resources.  Try to quickly reach the point where you can hire Long Bowmen.  These will allow you to take over level 5 wilderness patches.

Make sure to always keep something building and researching.  After the first few levels it begins to takes hours or even days to upgrade things.  So you will always want to keep things either upgrading or building.  Plan to do upgrades that take hours right before bedtime so that when you wake up you will have a fresh start.

Always have a much larger army than needed to take over a camp or a wilderness.  The closer to the required army you are, the more units will be killed.  If you have an army much larger than the required amount you rarely lose any units.

Always try to get stronger troops.  Constantly upgrade your garrison.  Build multiple garrisons so that the time it takes to hire units is substantially lowered.

Dragons of Atlantis gets its name from the Dragon that sits in your town.  Upgrade your Dragon quickly.  This is used to defend your castle but also to be used to fight and conquer wilderness and Anthropus camps.

If you would like to get a free epic general you can follow my strategy guide here Dragons of Atlantis Heirs of the Dragon - How to get a free epic general